Here´s what we are into at the moment and what we have been focusing on.
Cirkulär ekonomi – nu ställer vi om med hjälp av AI
AI och digitalisering som möjliggörare för hållbar lönsamhet
AI är digitala teknologier och verktyg som möjliggör automatiserad informationsbehandling som kan stötta design och utveckling av cirkulära produkter, öka spårbarheten för produkter och material, möjliggöra cirkulära affärsmodeller samt addera viktiga byggstenar i cirkulär teknik och infrastruktur.
Seminariet riktar sig till dig som arbetar med tillverkning och/eller sätter material och produkter på marknaden samt till alla andra som vill öka sin kunskap kring cirkulär ekonomi och möjligheterna med AI.
När och var? Onsdag den 17 februari 2021, kl 10.00 – 11.30
Solving retail’s most expensive problem – the returns dilemma
The returns dilemma- webinar- series of 2
A clear and generous returns policy drives sales but returns also have a great negative impact on profitability and sustainability. There are several reasons for this, and one is that returns are not often included in the customer journey and hence not efficiently planned, or executed, due to lack of ownership.
Join us in a series of two webinars and get insights to optimize and prevent returns with improved customer experience and higher profitability.
We will provide a 360-degree perspective on returns where we combine operational experience with the latest academic research and spice it up with digital solutions and advanced analytics to create a competitive advantage.
Please sign up for the webinars using the links below
#1 | June 23 | 09.00 – 09.45 | Returns as a business opportunity |
#2 | June 29 | 09.00 – 09.45 | Optimize and prevent returns |
Analytics: Let´s be practical and talk real examples
Analytics webinar- serie 6
During this webinar, we will focus on how use cases and analytics have been shaped in recent years, and how they have adapted to the new normal of the COVID-19 pandemic in recent months. We will look at how cross-industry learnings have helped some retailers take advantage of the situation, collecting the right type of data creating the capability to simulate different outcomes. We are going to dive deeper into the effect of the increased online channel engagement and what that might drive, especially how it is accelerating the merger of the two traditional channels. Finally, we will focus on some new roles emerging in analytics.
Analytics Fueling Digitalization
Analytics webinar- serie 5
We will be discussing what it means to be ‘digital only’ in this crisis and how this will and should change customer interaction – starting with Customer expectation and experience of the whole brand and narrowing in to how analytics will enable those truly personal and satisfying customer journeys that lead to greater conversions and profitability for retailers.
How Analytics Maturity Translates into Analytics Success in a Crisis
Analytics webinar- serie 4
In this, the fourth in our webinar series, we would examine how analytically mature Healthcare companies have been able to respond to the COVID crisis with speed and flexibility while still honoring their core responsibility to the support the health of patients and communities. We will discuss how we, as Retailers and other business leaders can take inspiration from their actions.
Agile Leadership Enables Creativity
Analytics webinar- serie 3
The webinars will be held on Tuesdays at 16:00 Swedish time, with the third webinar held on Tuesday the 12th of May.
In this webinar, we will be focusing on how agile leadership enables rapid creativity with insights from analytics. Erik from Opco will give his view on how retail companies that have implemented agile leadership have better control over their business compared to others during these unpredictable times. We will look into what is crucial to get it to work and what needs that has to be fulfilled in and outside their own organization.
Sign up to be able to attend!
Demand sensing stability in a crisis
Analytics webinar- serie 2
The webinars will be held on Tuesdays at 16:00 Swedish time, with the second webinar held on Tuesday the 4th of May.
In this second series, Andrew Fowkes of the SAS Institute will discuss Demand sensing and his view of its importance. Together with him Drew Swith and our Erik Dingvall will debate the thesis in the panel.
Sign up to be able to attend!
How to use data to thrive and survive
Analytics webinar- serie 1
The webinars will be held on Tuesdays at 16:00 Swedish time, with the first webinar held on Tuesday the 28th.
In this first series, Drew Smith of the IIA will share how the practice of data analytics today differs so much from the era of the last global crisis in 2008, and how these differences create the conditions for analytics leaders to play a central role in helping their firms through these unprecedented times.
Insights from NRF 2020
Get our insights from NRF!
Now two months after the NRF 2020 we find it perfect to reflect on the past event and share our thoughts and insights together with you. We will take you through the findings that we have made and also discuss them together with our partners and friends who also visited the big show.
For you who went to the event in New York it is a good refresh and for you who missed the event it´’s a good way to get insights into future retail.
Ready for the races?
2020 and NRF “big show” is around the corner
OPCO will help you guide you through the Worlds largest retail meet in New York – USA
Here you get a chance to compare notes with the global industry and get a possibility to meet them in their local business environment
Meet Nordic peers and partners
See – Understand – Design your future business
Brooklyn Brewery Beer Heaven
Brooklyn Brewery ”beer heaven” during the NRF Big Show.
Together with the nordic and european retail community we want to invite you to spend some time and beer in one of the most celebrated beer halls in the area – The Brooklyn Brewery.
If you are the person that enjoy s the ”afterski” while spending time in the sloopes skiing you do not want to miss the ”beer heaven” during NRF Big Show.
Brooklyn retail safari and dinner
Brooklyn Retail Safari and Dinner during the NRF Big Show
Together with industry experts we will meet, explore and discuss the future of retail and how to bridge the gap between online and offline through insight driven business development.
So, what does good look like in one of the most innovative retail environments in the NY area?
After the retail safari we will have a dinner at Brooklyn Brewery.
Nordic Retail Boot Camp
Half-day seminar and exclusive Amazon Store Tour
Welcome to a seminar and open discussion about the physical retail space in a digital world. Together with industry experts we will discuss the eco-system of retail and how to bridge the gap between online and offline through insight driven business development.
So, what role will the physical store play in a digital world?
What services and offers will be relevant?
How does the store become a destination?
Painless global growth
Seminar on how to painlessly grow globally
Welcome to a seminar and open discussion on how to painlessly grow globally. Together with industry experts we will discuss the eco-system of retail and how they have made their growth and what worked for them.
Closing the order in a global world – payment systems enabling global growth
Distribution set-up for global growth
Managing returns in a global world
Get info about the NRF event
Join us to get info about NRF and what we will do together with partners in our eco-system.
We will arrange a hop-on-hop-off like program during the NRF 2020, before the event and after the event. This afternoon we will inform you what will happen and how you can get the most out of NRF 2020. The event are done together with our partners.
Snacks and something to drink will be served.
Opco & Friends
Lead with Information -Data monetization
We and our friends from our eco-system are doing a sounding board to find out how to monetize your data in the best way.
Here you get a chance to ask questions and learn from others that are facing similar or even more challenging tasks in their situations.
Small group of 20 persons for mind and success sharing on Leading with Information.